Stefan Berger

18 important questions on Stefan Berger

What did Berger write and in what is he specialised

Writing history, specialised in nationalism and national identity studies, historical theory and historiography

What is a individualizing comparison

Identify uniqueness between cases

What are encompassing comparisons

Related to individualizing comparisons, but they are primary concerned with explaining differences between cases that share an overarching commonality
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What are universalizing comparisons (aim)

To identify similarities between cases

What are variation-finding comparisons

Comparisons are closer to universalizing comparisons. Different cases are understood as variations of one particular phenomenon

What are micro-analysis / comparisons

Lowest level: individuals

What are meso analysis/comparisons

Middle level: households

What is implicit comparisons/analysis

Suggested but not directly expressed

What are explicit comparisons/analysis

Directly expressed comparison

What are diachronic comparisons

Study similarities that did not take place at the same time (example, industrialisation in countries)

What are synchronic comparisons

Comparisons between 2 different units but at the same time

Why does some historical complexity gets reduced

In order to answer specific questions for diverse societal contexts

Why do scholars according to Berger turn to comparisons

Because they want to obtain a better knowledge of their own society through comparisons (and see what is really unique)

Name 2 promises of comparative history

Understanding other societies better & developing or testing models

Name 2 pitfalls of comparative history

Linguistics problems (other definitions for the same word) and historical or social context of the country is needed

Name a problem Cultural transfer have with comparative history

They don't like to compare countries as if they are isolated and not have the similarities because of possible communication. They argue that you should also compare how information are transferred

What is the reaction of comparative historians to cultural transfer

That you don't know if information was transferred and this is way there is tension between comparative historians and cultural transfers.

What is the reason that perceptions of the past changes over time

Because this affects the type of questions we pose (and thus our answers). And our values and present-day problems affect the way we do research, and if that changes we might find other things more important and this could affect the comparative structure of research

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