Motor control - Cortical processing

9 important questions on Motor control - Cortical processing

Where does the information from the primary visual cortex (occipital lobe) go to?

2 streams, one to the posterior parietal cortex and one to the temporal lobe.

What does the posterior parietal cortex analyses?

1. Analyses the movement of an object
2. Determines the saliency of the object (how important is it)

Determined at the same time

How does the posterior parietal cortex analyses the movement of an object?

Each point in our physiological space is represented by a cortical column. Within that column an array of neurons sensitive to movement and velocity (movement vector) is present. The array is topically arranged and for each movement vector there is a most sensitive neuron. From the movement vector a future position is calculated (grasp vector)

This grasp vector will be eventually passed on to the central pattern generator (CPG). The CPG has a pre-programmed movement for each grasp vector
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What happens with the grasp vectors and saliency values?

Passed on to the prefrontal cortex

What is the function of the prefrontal cortex in the visual circuit?

- Executive control of cognitive function
  • Rational control of behaviour
  • Social control of behaviour
  • Goal oriented planning of complex cognitive behaviour

- Orchestration of thoughts and actions in accordance with internal
- The prefrontal cortex attributes a reward value to the various movement intentions under consideration

Where does the prefrontal cortex pass its information to?

To the premotor cortex, the posterior parietal lobe will also pass on its information to the premotor cortex

What is the function of the premotor cortex (in visual circuit)?

It will decide which actions will be taken and in what sequence and prepares for this (active prior to movement / Bereithschaftspotential)

--> decides based on the reward value (prefrontal) and grasp vector (posterior parietal)

What happens with the information after the premotor cortex? (visual circuit)

Passed on to the subcortical circuit (thalamic). This circuit gives a go/no go. This is based on the motor state. The circuit will adapt the plan to the current motor states and gives a go to the motor cortex (via thalamus)

What is the motor state?

posture and activity of the body musculature at a given moment (are you cycling, sitting, walking etc.)

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