Limbic system and development - Limbic system

9 important questions on Limbic system and development - Limbic system

What is the circuit of Papez?

Cingulate cortex -> hippocampus -> mammillary body -> anterior thalamus -> cingulate cortex etc.

What is the function of the circuit of Papez?

Emotions and motivation

The limbic system has a close interaction with the hypocampus, thalamus and hypothalamus (limbohypothalamic complex), what is the function of this complex?

Homeostasis (endocrine and autonomic nervous system)
Emotions and drives
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What is the function of the neocortex, limbic brain and reptilian brain?

Neocortex = rational or Thinking brain
Limbic = emotional or Feeling brain
Reptilian = instinctual or Dinosaur brain 

Which structure(s) is/are important for homeostasis?

Hypothalamus (endocrine and autonomic) with help of limbic output system (HeaL)

--> hypothalamus keeps us alive (regulates digestion, heart beat etc)

Which two routes does the hypothalamus use to regulate homeostasis?

Endocrine system - long term and slow
Autonomic nervous system  - short term and fast

What does the hypothalamus control?

The pituitary gland / hypofyse. It dictates the activity of the hypofyse, based on CNS information. The pituitary gland controls the endocrine glands and maintains the activity level using feedback systems

Where does the olfactory epithelium exist of?

Olfactory receptors with hair cells. On those hair cells the olfactory receptor proteins are present. These proteins interact with outdoor molecules, which creates a change of the membrane potential that will pass on to the CNS.

What is the emotional centre of the limbic system?

Amygdala (also for fear important)

--> there is a shortcut from the thalamus to the amygdala to create a quick response

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