Motor control - Muscle

11 important questions on Motor control - Muscle

Define the I band, A band, H band and sarcomere

See picture

True or false: an adult muscle fiber is innervated by exactly one axon. This axon originates from an α-motor neuron


What is the motor end plate (mep)?

A large specialized synapse between the α-motor neuron and muscle fiber
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What are other names for the motor end plate (mep)?

Myoneuronal junction/neuromuscular junction

What is special about the synapse of the motor end plate?

It is a very active synapse, every motor neuronal action potential will cause an AP in the muscle fiber. Due to:
- large surface
- high density of postsynaptic receptors

What is meant with: tetanise of a muscle

A muscle fiber AP results in a “twitch” and lasts 25-200 msec and the AP lasts 5 msec. This means that a next muscle fiber AP can be evoked before muscle fiber twitch is over -> accumulation

What is a motor unit?

One motor neuron and all the muscle fibers it innervates (always in the same muscle)

A small motor unit is for precise control. All muscle fibers will be stimulated when the motor neuron is activated, so when only a few fibers are innervated by one motor unit it is precise

What is a motor neuron pool?

A group of motor neurons together innervating all the muscle fibers of a single muscle.
--> mapped in the ventral horn (somatotopy)

What is the size principle of motor neuron recruitment (Henneman)?

The size of a motor neuron is proportional to the number of muscle fibers it innervates (large motor unit or large motor neuron). The smaller a motor neuron is, the easier it is excited. Smaller motor units follow for more precise control of muscle contraction.

Which types of muscle fibers are there?

Slow (dark)
Fast (light)

What is the difference between a small and large motor unit?

Small unit:
- small, slow but fatigue-resistant muscle fibers
- small motor neuron

Large unit:
- large, fast but very fatiguable muscle fibers
- large motor neuron

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