Neuroanatomy - Spinal and cranial nerves

5 important questions on Neuroanatomy - Spinal and cranial nerves

What nerves does the ventral root contain?

Motor neurons that terminate in the ventral horn. These are the efferent nerves.

What is the first neuron in the sensory chain?

The pseudo-unipolar neuron. These neurons are located in the periphery, namely in the dorsal root ganglion. It is a specialized relay neuron and the dendritic tree directly connects to the axon hillock (instead of the cell body).

Where do the cranial nerves emerge?


The caudalmost brainstem is very similar to the spinal cord; likewise, the caudalmost cranial nerves are very similar to the spinal nerves
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What kind of neurons do cranial nerves consist of?

Motor, sensory or mixed neurons
Sensory: first neuron is a pseudo-unipolar neuron (peripheral ganglion)
Motor: originate from motor neurons located in a nucleus in the brainstem

What are the functions of the 12 cranial nerves?

1. Olfactorius = olfaction
2. Opticus = vision
3. Oculomotoriuis = eye movements
4. Trochlearis = eye movements
5. Trigeminus = tactile face; mastication
6. Abduncens = eye movements
7. Facialis = mimical muscles; gustation
8. Vestibulocochlearis = equilibrium; audition
9. Glossopharyngeus = swallowing; gustation
10. Vagus = autonomous parasympathetic; swallowing
11. Accessories = neck musculature
12. Hypoglossus = tongue muscles

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