Sensory system - Introduction

11 important questions on Sensory system - Introduction

How is the receptive field shaped?

--> happen at the same time

What is convergence (receptive field)?

Many receptors connect to one neuron

What is divergence (receptive field)?

One receptor connects to several neurons
--> exception are the nude nerve endings
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What does the ratio between receptors and 1st relay neurons indicate?

High ratio = sensitive system
Low ratio = precise system

Does lateral inhibition from receptor to neuron only happen in the visual system?


How is lateral inhibition incorporated in other systems than the visual system?

There it is only between relay neurons

What characterizes a receptor?

- type of stimulus
- size of receptive field
- speed of adaptation
  • tonic - APs generated as long as the stimulus is present
  • phasic - APs generated also after stimulus is gone

What are examples of tonic receptors?

Merkel cells and Ruffini endings

There are three types of cortical neurons, which three?

1. Motion sensitive = active in any direction
2. Direction sensitive =  much more responsive to motion in one direction than in another
3. Orientation sensitive = respond best to motion along specific axis (complex cell)

What is the labelled line principle?

When a receptor is stimulated it will generate APs. But how does the CNS know what this AP means? --> labelled line principle. The information of a specific type of receptor ends up in a cortical area in the CNS that is dedicated to that specific type of information.

What does a receptor sense?

The presence and size of a stimulus
- qualitative information = what do we sense, the labelled line principle
- quantitative information = how intense is the sensation.  Different receptors have different thresholds (again depends on the labelled line principle). Per receptor: duration of the stimulus determines length of pulse train and strength of stimulus determines frequency of pulse train.

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