Neuroanatomy - Corticofugal system

5 important questions on Neuroanatomy - Corticofugal system

Which connections leave the cortex (efferent)?

Corticofugal (to thalamus, striatum, pons and CPG and 2nd)

Which three structures make the brainstem?

Tectum, tegmentum and pes (basal portion)

How is the tectum called at the level of the mesencephalon?

Lamina quadrigemina
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How is the tectum called at the level of the pons?


This are cross sections of the brain stem, the yellow part is the corticofugal fiber bundle. What are the large dots in the middle of the yellow part?

This are large motor axons from the motor cortex. These axons will pass to the spinal cord, the other axons (other yellow parts) branch off to the cerebellum. After the last slice, the neurons will cross over to the other side (decussation), but a small part will continue at the same side and eventually disappear

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