Sensory system - Vestibular system

13 important questions on Sensory system - Vestibular system

What is the function of the vestibular system?

- Provide static/dynamic positional information for (otherwise nausea)
o Compensatory eye movements
o Compensatory neck movements
o Compensatory trunk movements
o Positional awareness

- Equilibrium

Where does the vestibular system consists of?

The 3 semicircular ducts (which are connected to the utricle)
The 3 ducts are oriented with an angel with respect to each other

The vestibular system contains hair cells. Tell something about them

the hair cells are equipped with stretch sensitive K+ channels. The apical parts of the cell (stereocilia) are located in the endolymph, with a high [K+]. The basal part of the cell in perilymph, normally a low [K+]. This makes that K+ is transported into the cell.
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The hair cells of the vestibular system can move in 2 directions, what if the movement causes depolarization?

The stretch sensitive K+ channels are opened. This results in opening of the voltage gated Ca2+ channels and eventually the NT vesicles will fuse with the membrane and release NT.

Which 2 apparatuses exist within the vestibular system?

Utriculus and saccalus
Semicircular canals

What is characteristic for the utriculus and saccalus?

They both contain hair cells (stereocilia) and they are in a weighted gelatinous layer (‘stones’ on the top), which is sensitive to gravity. The stones are also called otoliths, which are crystals.
Depending on the force of gravity, the matrix will pull on the hair cells, which causes a change of conformation and thus in a change of membrane potential. The hair cells are oriented in different positions.

What is the direction of the hair cells in the utriculus and sacculus?

Utriculus = horizontal plane
Sacculus = vertical plane

--> perpendicular to each other

What is characteristic for the semicircular canals?

The stereocilia are embedded in a valve (capula). There is fluid in the semicircular canals and movement of the channel (fluid is static!) will rotate the hair cells. The hair cells only move when there is acceleration, not if the speed is constant (inertia).

To maintain equilibrium at least two of three systems must be available, which systems?

§ Vestibular system
§ Proprioceptive system
§ Visual system

To which systems does the vestibular system project?

- vestibulospinal tract (neck muscle and medial motor column)
- vestibulorecebellar projection (cerebellum)
- medial longitudinal fasciculus (used by many systems)

What is the vestibulo-ocular reflex (VOR)?

if the head turns left/right, the eyes will be kept in place. This also happens when the head is tilted (ocular tilt reflex). Movement of the head causes the gelatinous layer to cause force on the hair cells, which generates an impulse at one site.

How many muscles control the eye?

6, up-down/left-right and tilting (2)

What is the optokinetic reflex?

If the head is tilted in a constant manner, the vestibular system will not send signals. But the eyes also send signals that they want to maintain the focus on the part it was looking at. This is the optokinetic reflex.
The optokinetic reflex and vestibulo-ocular reflex work together to maintain a gaze.

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