The Measurement of Behavior - Interitem reliability

3 important questions on The Measurement of Behavior - Interitem reliability

What is interitem reliability?

Asses the degree of consistency among the items on a scale. E.g. Personality inventories typically consist of several questions that are summed to provide a singel score that reflects the respondent's shyness.

What is a itemtotal correlation?

Is the correlation between a particular item and the sum of all other items on the scale. So if one scores high on one item, this person should also score high on other questions proving the same

What is split-half reliability?

The researcher would divide the items on the scale into two sets. Then a total score was obtained for each set by adding the items within each set, and the correlation between these two sets of scores was calculated. If they measure the same construct, these two halfs should correlate highly

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