The Measurement of Behavior - Increasing the reliability of measures

5 important questions on The Measurement of Behavior - Increasing the reliability of measures

What can researchers do to increase the reliability of measures?

- standardize administration of the measure.
- clarify instructions and questions.
- train observers.
- minimize errors in coding data

What do they mean with standardize administration of the measure?

Every participant should be tested under precisely the same conditions. If possible, have the same researcher administer the measure to all participants in precisely the same setting.

What do they mean with clarify instructions and questions in research?

Make sure that all participants know exactly what they need to know. Questions used in interviews or questionnaires should be polite tested to be sure participants understand them
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What do they mean in train observers in research?

When researchers are observing, train and practice with the research.

What do they mean with minimize errors in coding date?

Errors are introduced if reasearcher make mistakes in recording, coding and tabulating or computing the data.

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