Approaches to Psychological Measurement

9 important questions on Approaches to Psychological Measurement

Which general four types of psychological measures will be discussed in this chapter?

- observational methods
- physiological measures
- self-report measures
- archival methods

What are observational approaches?

Direct observation of human or nonhuman behavior

What are the three decisions researchers make about how they serve and record behavior?

1. Will the observation occur in a natural or contrived setting?
2. Will the participants know they are being observed?
3. How will participants behavior be recorded?
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What are narrative records?

(not common in psychological research) sometimes called specimen records. This is a full description of a participant's behavior. Intent is to capture everything the participant said and did during a specified period of time.

What is checklist as a behavioral recording?

A list of behaviors that are being observed and check when ever they occur by researcher. Pros: easy in use cons: difficult to develop

What is interrater reliability?

Refers to the degree to which the observations of two or more independent raters or observers agree.

What are the five general types of psychophysiological an neuroscientific measures?

1. Measures of neural electrical activity
2. Neuroimaging
3. Measure of autonomic nervous system activity
4. Blood and saliva assays
5. Precise measurement of overt reactions

What are measures of neural electrical activity?

Are used to investigate the electrical activity of the nervous system and other parts of the body

What are the two biases that can occur in self-report measurements?

1. The social desirability response bias, when people are concerned with how they will be perceived and evaluated by the researcher or other participants
2. Acquiescence and nay saying response styles: some people agree with statements regardless od the contact, and others tend to express disagreement.

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