Approaches to Psychological Measurement - observational approaches - disguised versus nondisguised observation

5 important questions on Approaches to Psychological Measurement - observational approaches - disguised versus nondisguised observation

What is undisguised observation?

This is when the participants know their being observed.
cons: people start to act un-natural --> reactivity

What is disguised observation?

When the researchers are concerned about reactivity, they conceal the fact that they are observing and recording participants behavior.

What is violating when people are being observed disguised?

Ethical issues, because researcher may invade the participants privacy --> is ok when observation occur in public and researcher doesn't incovenience or upset the participants
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What is partial concealment strategy?

When researchers let the participants know they are being observed but are withholding information about what precisely

What is recruiting knowledgeable informants?

People who know the participants well, to observe and rate their behavior

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