Approaches to Psychological Measurement - self-report approaches: questionnaires and interviews

6 important questions on Approaches to Psychological Measurement - self-report approaches: questionnaires and interviews

What are singel-item measures?

Are intended to be analyzed by themselves. These responses are intended to be used as a single response and not combined with responses to other questions.

What are multi-item scales?

Is a set of items that all assess the same construct. Using several items often provides a more reliable and valid measure than using a single-item measure

What is a response format?

Refer to the manner in which the participant indicates his or her answer to the item
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What are the three response formats?

1. Free-response format; the participant provides an unstructured response.
2. Rating scale response format; when questions are about behaviors, intensity.
3. Multiple choice or fixed-alternative response format: respondents have to choose one response from a set of possible alternatives.

What are true-false response formats?

Only two answers are possible, yes and no

What are ways to improve the quality of the responses received from interviewees?

1. Create an friendly atmosphere.
2. Maintain an attitude of friendly intrest.
3. Conceal personal reactions tot he respondent's answer.
4. Oder the sections of the interview to facilitate building rapport and to create a logical sequence.
5. Ask questions exactly as they are worded
6. Don't lead the respondent

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