Small Businesses, Entrepreneurship and Franchises

15 important questions on Small Businesses, Entrepreneurship and Franchises

What 3 forms of industry do businesses generally fall in?

- Distribution industries
- Service industries
- Production industries

What are distribution industries?

Industries that are concerned with the movement of goods from producers to consumers. This includes retailing, transportation and communication.

What are service industries?

Industries that are concerned with servicing consumers. This can be in forms of hairdressers, tv repairs, but also financial services.
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What is entrepreneurial spirit?

The desire to create a new business.

What personal factors in are included in small-business success?

- Independence
- Desire to determine own destiny
- Willingness to find and accept challenges
- Family background (research shows that people who have family with own business are more likely to start their own)
- Age (mostly around 24-44 years old)

In what ways do small businesses add to the economy?

- They provide technical innovation
- The provide employment
- They provide competition
- They fill needs of society and other businesses

What are the advantages of small businesses?

- Personal relationships with customers and employees (helps with satisfaction and dedication in both instances)
- Ability to adapt to change (being own boss means not having to ask permission to change things)
- Simplified record keeping (no large amount of tax work etc.)
- Independence
- Other advantages (sole proprietorships, information secrecy, etc.)

What are the disadvantages of small businesses?

- Risk of failure (e.g. not having the financial resources needed to weather a recession)
- Limited potential (e.g. hairdresser will probably not grow his business past that particular skill)
- Limited ability to raise capital (financing often comes out of own pocket, often difficult to get loans, etc.)

What is a franchise?

A license to operate an individually owned business as though it were part of a chain of outlets or stores.

What is a franchisor?

An individual or organisation granting a franchise. Provides the name, management skills, training and materials, etc.

What is a franchisee?

A person or organisation purchasing a franchise. Provides the labour and capital, operates the franchised business and agrees to abide by the provisions of the franchise agreement.

What 3 categories of franchising are there?

1. A manufacturer authorises a few retail stores to sell his branded product. (e.g. with cars at small dealerships)
2. A producer licenses distributors to sell a given product to retailers (e.g. soft drink industry, Coca Cola allows independent bottlers to sell to retailers in their name)
3. A franchisor supplies brand names, techniques or other services instead of a complete product.(e.g. Fast food franchises)

What are dual-branded franchises?

When two franchisors offer their products together. E.g. Texaco and McDonalds

What are the advantages of franchising for the franchisor?

- Gains fast and well-controlled distribution of its products without incurring the high cost of constructing and operating its own outlets. This leaves more capital for expansion and/or advertising
- Can still enforce company standards through made agreement
- Franchisees are often very motivated to succeed --> higher royalties for the franchisor

What are the advantages of franchising for the franchisee?

- Gains opportunity to start business with limited capital and help of experienced businesspeople
-  Famous brand is guaranteed to bring in customers as soon as they open
- In case of trouble, business franchise often provides free advice
- Lots of advertisement opportunity, and if bought together with other franchisees, also cost-saving.

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