Patterns of Structure and Workplace design

8 important questions on Patterns of Structure and Workplace design

It is by means of the organization’s structure that its goals and objectives are attained.

- Economic and efficient performance of the organization and level of resource utilization. 
- Monitoring activities of the organization.
- Accountability for areas of work undertaken by groups and individual members of the organization.
- Co-ordination of different part of the organization and different areas of work
- Flexibility in order to respond to future demands and developments, and to adapt to changing environmental influence.
- Social satisfaction of member working in the organization.

In order to produce some good, or provide some service, there are four essential functions that the organization must perform.

- The good or service must be developed
- Something of value must be created: production or manufacture of a product or provision of a service.
- The products or services must be marketed and distributed or made available to those who are to use them.
- Finance is needed in order to make available resources for the for the development, creation and distribution of the product or services provided.

Major purpose or function

the most common basis for grouping activities is according to specialization, the use of the same set of resources, of the shared expertise of member of staff. It is a matter for decision in each organization as to which activities are important enough to be organized into separate functions, departments or sections.
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Nature of staff employed

division based on a particular skill, special qualification or responsibility – for example, the division of work between surgeons, doctors and nurses, or between barristers, solicitors and legal executives.

Individual relationships may be identified as

Staff or

Role conflict and matrix organization

- Role incompatibility
- Role ambiguity
- Role overload
- Role underload

The work by Woodward was extended by perrow, who drew attention to two major dimensions of technology

- The extent to which the work tasks is predictable or variable.
- The extent to which technology can be analyzed

Structure and organizational behavior

- A definable structure of management, system of order and control, technological requirements, principles of design.
- Social factors, and the needs and demands of the human part of the organization.

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