Transportation - To compare and contrast transpiration infrastructures

5 important questions on Transportation - To compare and contrast transpiration infrastructures

Transportation influenced (cost)

Transportation costs are directly affected by the location of the firm's plants warehouse vendors, retail locations, and customers

Transportation influenced (inventory)

Inventory requirements are influenced by the mode of transport used. Hig speed, high priced transportation systems require smaller amounts of inventories in a logistics system, whereas slower, less expensive transportation requires larger amounts of systemwide inventory.

Transportation influenced (materials)

The type of carrier used dictates a manufacturing plant's materials handling equipment, such as loading and unloading equipment and the design of the receiving and shipping docks .
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Transportation influenced (shipment)

An order-management philosophy that encourages maximum consolidation of shipment between common point enable a company to give larger shipments its carriers and take advantage of volume discounts.

Transportation influenced (customer)

Customer service goals influence the type and quality of carrier service selected by the seller

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