Alkenes and Alkynes - What are the Structures and Shapes of Alkenes and Alkynes?

4 important questions on Alkenes and Alkynes - What are the Structures and Shapes of Alkenes and Alkynes?

What is the angle for the C-C-H bond in ethylene?

121.7o which is close to the VESPR predicted value of 120o.

Why do double bonded carbons not rotate with respect to each other?

It takes a considerable amount of energy to break the pi bond in ethylene.

Why are cis alkenes less stable than their trans isomers?

Because of the nonbonded interaction strain between alkyl substituents on the same side of the double bond.
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What does the structure of an alkyne look like?

Due to the carbon-carbon triple bond an alkyne is a linear molecule.

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