Carboxylic Acids - What Are the Acid–Base Properties of Carboxylic Acids?

8 important questions on Carboxylic Acids - What Are the Acid–Base Properties of Carboxylic Acids?

What is the reason that carboxylic acid is a stronger acid than alcohol?

The carboxylate anion is resonance stabilized by delocalizing the negative charge. Alkoxide ions do not have this charge delocalization.

What is the effect on the acidity of substitution on the α-carbon?

When substituted with an atom or group of atoms of higher electronegativity, the acidity will increase due to the inductive effect, delocalizing the negative charge.

What is the effect on the acidity when not the α-carbon but a carbon further from the carboxyl group is substituted by a more electronegative atom (or group of atoms)?

The further from the carboxyl group the less the inductive effect is and therefor the less acidic a compound will be.
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How will carboxylic acids react with strong bases such as NaOH and KOH?

All carboxilic acids, whether soluble or insoluble, will react with strong bases to form water-soluble salts.

How will carboxylic acids react with ammonia and amines?

This reaction will also result in water-soluble salts.

In backing what is the reaction between sodium bicarbonate (backing soda) and carboxylix acid?

The carboxylic acid will react with the sodium bicarbonate to form carbonic acid and a sodium salt. The carbonic acid will than decompose to water and carbon dioxide, making your backing rise.

How are the salts of carboxylic acids named?

By naming the cation first and than the anion. Same as for inorganic salts.

How can water-insoluble carboxylic acids be separated from water-insoluble neutral compounds?

NaOH is added to the mixture, thereby converting the water-insoluble carboxylic acid in to its water-soluble sodium salt. The two compounds can than be separated by liquid-liquid extraction with water and ether. The aqueous solution is than acidified to precipitate the carboxylic acid, which is then filtrated out.

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