Alkanes and Cycloalkanes - How do we name Alkanes?

4 important questions on Alkanes and Cycloalkanes - How do we name Alkanes?

What are the IUPAC rules for naming alkanes?

1. Find the longest chain, count the carbons.
2. Find the corresponding Prefix and add -ane.
3. Number the parent chain.
4. Name and add the number to the side chains.

How are the side chains named?

Give the number of the parent chain it is bonded to.

What do the common names isobutane and isopentane mean?

iso indicates that at one and the chain ends in a (CH3)2CH-group.
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How do we classify the different carbons in a branched alkane?

Al Methane, 1o (primary), 2o (secondary), 3o (tertiary) or 4o (quarternary).

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