Alcohols, Ethers, and Thiols - What Are Ethers?

6 important questions on Alcohols, Ethers, and Thiols - What Are Ethers?

How are ethers named?

By naming the longest chain as parent chain and the other as alkoxy.

What is an alkoxy group?

An alkoxy group is an -OR group where the R is an alkyl group.

What are cyclic ethers?

Cyclic ethers are ethers where the oxygen is one of the atoms in the ring.
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Why are the boiling points of ethers much lower than those of comparable alcohols?

Although the ethers are polar, there is to much steric hinderance for strong dipole-dipole interactions. Alcohols do have strong dipole-dipole interactions.

How are the physical properties of ethers compared to those of alcohol?

The boiling points for ethers are much lower. The solubility is also less.

What is the difference in hydrogen bonding between ethers and water, and alcohol and water?

Ether can only be a hydrogen-bond acceptor, where alcohol can also be a donor.

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