Covalent Bonding and Shapes of Molecules - What are Functional Groups?

5 important questions on Covalent Bonding and Shapes of Molecules - What are Functional Groups?

What are functional groups?

- sites of chemical reactions.
- They determine the physical properties of a compound.
- They are used to divide organic compounds into families.
- Naming basis.

What functional groups are there and to what compounds do they belong?

-OH, a hydroxyl, present in alcohols.
-NH2, an amino, present in amines.
-C=O, a carbonyl, present in aldehydes.
-C=O, a carbonyl, present in ketones.
-C=O, a carboxyl, present in carboxilic acids.

How is the -NH2 group named and to what compound does it belong?

Amino and it is present in amines.
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How is the -CR=O group named and to what compound does it belong?

Carbonyl and it is present in ketones.

How is the -COOH group named and to what compound does it belong?

Carboxyl and it is present in carboxilic acids.

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