Chirality: The Handedness of Molecules - How is Chirality detected in the Laboratory?

7 important questions on Chirality: The Handedness of Molecules - How is Chirality detected in the Laboratory?

What is plane-polarized light?

Light waves vibrating only in parallel planes.

How does a polarimeter work?

A polarimeter consist of a light source, an polarizing filter, a sample tube and an analyzing filter.

What is the observed rotation?

The number of degree through which a compound rotates the plane of polarized light.
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How is the specific rotation calculated?

The specific rotation is defined as the observed rotation at a specific length and sample concentration.

What is it called when the plane of polarized light is rotated to the left?


What is a racemic mixture?

A mixture of two equal amounts of enantiomers.

Why is a racemic mixture called optically inactive?

A racemic mixture consists of equal amount of dextrorotatory and levorotatory enantiomers resulting in a netto rotation of zero.

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