STSD and structural approach

7 important questions on STSD and structural approach

What are the strucutral parameters?

  1. functional concentration: to what degree are task created by means of vertical decomposition
  2. differentiation of operational transformations: are preparing, supporting and operational activities separated?
  3. level of specialisation of performance activities: to what degree are operational activities further vertically decomposed?
  4. level of separation between performance and control activities: are operational and regulatory activities all assigned to specialist capacities?
  5. control specialisation: split control per aspect (quality, safety, logistics, etc.)
  6. control differentiation: splitting into separate control levels (operational, structural, strategic)
  7. division of control functions: sensing, evaluating, and adjusting activities split

How could you divide activities over capacities based on output?

  • start with design production structure where most disturbances enter organisation, and regulatory capacity should be high
  • Rule of thumb: P >> C >> I

What does the macro level look like?

  • level of the organsiation
  • group all types of performance activities together on the basis of either
  • orders/ family of products
  • grouping together of performance, preparing and support activities within homogenous department --> parallelising
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What does the meso level entail?

  • level of departments
  • is there a need for creating segments
  • many sub-orders, difficult or large product
  • splitting products into finished parts
  • group performance, supporting and preparing activities per segment
  • need for interaction between segements should be low

What does the micro level look like?

  • level of capacities
  • what performance, preparing and supporting activities have to be conducted for per capacity within the segment
  • design specifications for individual jobs/tasks; task variety, ability to learn and use capacity and recognisable contribution to the whole (segment)

How should you design the control structure?

  • from micro to macro-level
  • start grouping control activities at level of capacities
  • look at control demands for performance of the segments, not control demand of management
  • what can workers decide for themselves and for what is (some form) of control needed
  • minimal critical specification

What are the limits of this perspective?

  • de sitter's theory mainly based on diagnosis and redesign of standard bureaucratic organisations
  • operationalisation of Ashby's attentuation and emplification into parameters and solutions therefore limited

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