Designing for a dynamic world

3 important questions on Designing for a dynamic world

Based on Kramer (2007) and Trist (1980) it can be stated that some
environmens of organizations are characterized by:

- Reactiveness
Parties in the environment respond actively to actions of the organization
and can manipulate with their actions, be deceptive, and sometimes hostile.
- Uncertainty
Hard to grasp stuations
- Ambiguity
It is hard to interpret signals from the environment

What are the consequences for organisations operating in such environments?

Some fundamental consequences for organizations operating in such
environments (Weick, 1979)
- Necessity to act
Organizations have to engage their environment to accomplish its goals
- Enactment
Some understaning is developed along the way by acting
- Workable level of certaintyIs developed along the way, pragmatic, no “real” certainty

What is the relation with organisational structure?

  • Impossible to detail everything beforehand
  • Freedom for self-organization, local adaptation in relation to environmental demands that are discovered along the way

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