Contingency and structural approach

8 important questions on Contingency and structural approach

What is the organisation's configuration according to Burton?

  1. the way a big task (TP) is divided into smaller parts
  2. how these smaller parts are coordinated

Four elements of structure according to Burton?

  • organisational complexity: width and height of the hierarchy
  • horizontal differentiation: degree of task specialisation across hierarchy
  • vertical differentiation: how many layers of management exist?
  • span of control: how many subordinates fall under particular hierarchical responsibilities?

What degrees are related to the hierarchy?

  • degree of product/service/customer orientation: tasks divided based on output of the firm
  • degree of functional specialisation: to what degree is work divided into smaller tasks
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What is the contrast with STSD?

  • the more complex an organisation, the better it fits environmental complexity, because information can be shared better.
  • Based on mintzberg's work, all organisational forms are integrated

What are the characteristics of simple configuration?

  • low on p/s/c orientation
  • low on functional specialisation
  • low vertical differentiation
  • low organisational complexity
  • Family company, start-up.
  • easily overflown with information

What are the characteristics of functional structure?

  • low on p/s/c/ orientation
  • high on functional specialisation
  • aimed at economies of specialisation, reaching effectiveness through specialisation
  • hospitals, lego, many machine bureaucracies
  • Burton: information sharing needs increase exponentially with the number of units, not good in dealing with much variation

What are the characteristics of a divisional structure?

  • orientation p/s/c high
  • low on functional specialisation
  • B&O: information sharing problems of connections between division
  • good at dealing with changes in environment per division

What are the characteristics of a matrix organisation?

  • high on both dimensions
  • organisational complexity high
  • suitable for dealing with uncertain environment
  • information can be shared quickly throughout the organisation
  • very common organisational form

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