Human Centred Job Design

10 important questions on Human Centred Job Design

What is lost according to Jahoda's theory of deprivation?

  1. competence and mastery
  2. time structure: happy hour, holiday, retirement
  3. social acceptance, shared experience
  4. physical and mental activity
  5. personal identity: status, self-esteem

What are characteristics of job satisfaction?

  1. subjective output criterion
  2. influenced by individual, organisational, economic and cultural factors
  3. can reduce social problems, boredom, physical strain, mental stress
  4. economic relevance for better co-operation, reduced absenteeism
  5. correlation with productivity (quality)

What are the four dimensions of Blauner?

  1. powerlessness: lack of control over policy and process
  2. meaninglessness: purpose of fractionated job lost
  3. isolation: no social contact
  4. self-estrangement: depersonalised detachment
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What are the four types of group defence

  1. informal organisation: private arrangements to help each other out among neighbours, but undependable, internal rows and coalitions
  2. reactive individualism: competition for the better places, bribing, mistrust
  3. mutual scapegoating: no direct contact between shifts leads to scapegoating in which nothing is resolved and no one feels guilty
  4. self-compensatory absenteeism: bad condittions require extra work (if too few show up, everyone goes home)

What does relational integrity require/entail?

  • practices build on personal relations and embodied knowledge rather than procedures
  • shared experience of exposure to extreme conditions
  • recounting of hero and trauma stories as part of shared identity and building up common understanding
  • assesing operational risk

What is the perfect group size?

a group consisting of the smallest number that can perform a whole task and can satisfy the social and psychological needs of its members is, alike from the point of view of task performance and of those performing it, the most satisfactory and efficient group

What are the psychologically important attributes of Warr?

  1. opportunities for personal control
  2. opportunities for skill use
  3. externally generated goals
  4. variety
  5. environment clarity: job security, consequences
  6. availability of money
  7. physical security
  8. supportive supervision
  9. opportunity for interpersonal contact
  10. valued social position

What is the psychological process of individual action?

  • goal --> orientation, perception --> plan generation and selection --> execution & monitoring --> feedback

What are criterion of complete task?

  1. sequentially complete: not only execution but also preparation; goal setting and deciding on measures to be taken
  2. hierarchically complete: mental regulation not limited to automated processes but involves knowledge-based and intellectual control

What are the effects of incomplete tasks?

  • monotony
  • fatigue
  • effective aversion
  • stress

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