Coordination and control systems

7 important questions on Coordination and control systems

What are coordination and control systems?

Computer or manual registration or information sharing systems To “govern” “how work is done”

What are the two concepts for coordination and control systems?

  • Formalization: degree of specification of rules
  • Centralization: degree to which control is hierarchical (high levels of parameters of C-structure)

What are the four forms of organisation?

Family: simple structure
Machine: functional structure
Market: divisional structure
Clan/ mosaic: matrix structure
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What critique is offered to burton's approach?

still implict advice to implement structural complexity, which can be increased through implementing computer systems to “facilitate” interaction

What are the basic premises of NCO/NCW?

“Unleashing the power of information sharing”
- When units are able to share information with each other throughout the
- And are able to comprehend (make sense of) the information they share
and receive
- Units are able to increase “situational awareness” of a difficult situation
- And attain “self-synchronization”

What does NCO/NCW cause?

Creating endless linkages between units increases
- Information overload
- “tight coupling” (Perrow, 1987), large dependence, between units
(Bezooijen & Kramer, 2016)
- Which results in operational issues

What are the four forms of knowledge and info systems?

Event driven: reactive, person to person, easily understandable (tacit low)
Data driven: easily understandable, but high volume
People driven: vital information difficult to codify and formalize, face-to-face
Relationship driven: integrate hard and soft data (B&O name CRM-systems as
an example).

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