Job design VERA

13 important questions on Job design VERA

How is the concept of action defined?

  • Smallest psychological unit of voluntary activities
  • Driven by a conscious goal = intention and anticipation of outcome
  • Identifiable elements of overall activity
  • Unity of mental regulation and physical interaction with material world   

What are the characteristics of ART?

Action is driven by intention
  • Work as conscious, goal directed behaviour
  • Connection between thinking and doing
Concrete doing
  • Interaction with and transformation of material world
  • Work activities within real context
Work activities as part of interrelated web of actions
  • Embedded in organisation, coordinated with others
Embedded in societal context
  • Work as part of societal division of labour and culturally shaped artefacts and knowledge        

What are the five VERA Levels?

5 Developing new tasks
4 Co-ordination of several subtasks
3 Decisions about sub-goals
2 Action planning
1 Applying rules, sensu-motor regulation
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What are the characteristics of VERA level 1?

  • Carrying out this task requires regulation of bodily movements, but no planning
  • Occasional change of tools

What are the characteristics of VERA level 2?

  • The sequence of steps needs to be planned ahead
  • 2R: The sequence of steps is determined ahead but require mental rehearsal before getting started 

What are the characteristics of VERA level 3?

  • There is a rough overall planning.
  • Each activity requires its own detailed planning. 

What are the characteristics of VERA level 4

Several interdependent parts of the work process need to be coordinated and planned jointly

What are the characteristics of VERA level 5?

New, to be developed activities, their coordination and material conditions have to be planned

What is the definition of a team?

  • common purpose or goal
  • interdependent roles
  • mutual influence by interaction
  • considerable discretion about how to do work
  • complementary skills
  • at the same time and location (?)     

What is the purpose of self-managed teams according to Tjosvold?

• Increase flexibility due to self regulation
•Increased efficiency and quality due to delegated
• Polyvalence of skills to build up multi-skilled workforce
• Motivation and qualification, mutual support
• Reduce negative effects of monotonous work• Share expertise for interdisciplinary tasks  effects of monotonous work
• Share   expertise for interdisciplinary tasks

What are the criteria for the autonomy of work teams? (gullowsen)

The team can
• Influence its goals in qualitative (what?) and quantitative
terms (how much?)
• Decide where and when it works
• Decide on what tools and methods to use
• Allocate tasks internally among its members
• Decide on membership of the group
• Decide on leadership (if and who) and decision making
within the group
• Team members decide on how to do their own work

What does collective aciton regulation entail according to Weber?

  • Coordination of cooperative tasks
  • Degree of collective goal setting, planning, decision making and performance control within team
  • Individual action regulation is shared, discussed and integrated into one plan 

What are the aspects for the degree of collective action regulation?

1. Participation in production planning and control
2. Job scheduling
3. Allocation of personnel and distribution of tasks
4. Joint execution of manufacturing functions
5. Improvement activities for technical and
organisational problems
6. Planning o personnel development and training
7. Decisions of internal self-governance

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