Non-Gonvermental Organisations - NGOs as companies
6 important questions on Non-Gonvermental Organisations - NGOs as companies
What are the key differences between companies and NGOs?
- Non-profit status
- Absence of shareholders
- Decision-making more informal and consensual
What are the sources of income for NGOs?
- Membership fees
- Sales of products and services
- Grants from national/international institutions or national governments
- Private donations
Why is sponsoring from private companies or the government not without risk?
- Higher grades + faster learning
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Where is 10% of the total NGO budget spend on?
- salaries
- bookkeeping
- organisational expenses
- office expenses
How do NGOs survive and maintain its organisation and activities?
Why do more and more hybrid organisations arise?
- Commercialization tendency among NGOs
- Tendency towards CSR (corporate social responsibility) within companies
The question on the page originate from the summary of the following study material:
- A unique study and practice tool
- Never study anything twice again
- Get the grades you hope for
- 100% sure, 100% understanding