Introduction to the European Institutions and the European Union policy making

7 important questions on Introduction to the European Institutions and the European Union policy making

What is the Lisbon Treaty?

An updated version of the already existing treaties about the EU to make the EU more democratic and beter bestuurbaar

What is the function of the European Commission (kabinet)?

Executive power of the European Union:
  • Proposing legislation
  • Implementing decisions
  • Upholding the Union's treaties
  • Day-to-day running of the union

What is the aim of the participatory democracy?

Increasing citizen's participation in the EU decision-making process
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What is the function of the European Court of Auditors?

Check that EU funds are properly collected and that they are spent legally, economically and for the intended purpose

What is the function of the European Ombudsman?

To receive and investigate complaints from EU citizens, businesses and organizations, and from anyone residing or having their registered office in an EU country

What is the Europe 2020 Strategy goal?

To establish a social market economy that is competitive, innovative, sustainable and inclusive

In which 3 ways will the sustainability be promoted in the 2020 Strategy?

  • Economic (comparative advantage on competitiveness, innovation and knowledge
  • Social (emphasis on employment, participation, training, labour equality, reducing poverty)
  • Environmental (transition towards a low-carbon economic model)

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