Non-Gonvermental Organisations - Definition, scope and differentiation

7 important questions on Non-Gonvermental Organisations - Definition, scope and differentiation

What is the definition of a non-governmental organisation (NGO)?

Any kind of private, non-profit, non-political organisation that is independent of government control with a certain societal mission

Why are NGOs trusted by the general public and have a good reputation?

NGOs don't have short-term financial objectives

Why do some NGOs stimulate understanding social, cultural, and economic factors which inhibit improvement of their situation?

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What are the 2 types of NGOs?

  • Operational NGOs
  • Advocacy NGOs

In which ways do advocacy NGOs raise awareness?

By organizing:
  • Campaigns
  • Demonstrations
  • Media-events
  • Networks

What are main activities of NGOs in general?

  • Campaigning
  • Lobbying
  • Developing educational programs
  • Designing new technologies or services
  • Investigating/better documenting certain issues

How can NGOs lobby more effectively?

NGOs try to participate in negotiations at the international and national level

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