Policy Problems and Policy Theory - Characteristics of Problems - Four characteristics

4 important questions on Policy Problems and Policy Theory - Characteristics of Problems - Four characteristics

What are the 4 characteristics of policy problems?

  • Interdependency (problems in one area frequently affect problems in another area)
  • Subjectivity (every actor has his own vision of the problem)
  • Artificiality (problem is a product of subjective human judgement)
  • Dynamical, unstable (whole system is in a constant flux changed by interventions impact from the environment, changes in beliefs and knowledge)

What kind of approach is needed from a science advisor concerning interdependency?

A hollistic approach wherein problems are solved in connection with eachother

What are unintended and unanticipated consequences of neglecting connected problems?

  • Formation of new problems
  • Obstruct the chosen solution
  • Mobilize resistance by interest groups that were neglected
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What is the concept of framing?

An actor places a problem in a certain cultural, organisational and political context. The actor wants that their view of the problem should be accepted as the right view

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