Course introduction - Introduction to sustainability concepts and approaches to analyse Urban Metabolism (UM)

8 important questions on Course introduction - Introduction to sustainability concepts and approaches to analyse Urban Metabolism (UM)

Name a few methodologies/tools

- Ecological footprint
- Urban footprint
- DPSIR Framework

What is the definition of a tipping point?

The point where you go to a new state, from one tipping state to a new steady state

What are the principles of Cradle to Cradle (C2C)?

- waste is a resource
- work towards a solar fueled life
- enhance biodiversity
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What are the 5 criteria of Cradle to Cradle (C2C)?

- 100% renewable energy use
- water stewardship
- social responsibility
- material reutilization
- material health

What is Industrial Ecology (IE) used for?

- to identify and study material and energy flows
- combine activities at industrial zones to combine material and energy flows
- natural systems as inspiration to design sustainable industrial systems
- sustainability is the emergent property of complex systems

What are the principles of Industrial Ecology (IE) according to Lowe and Evans (1995)?

- Industrial operations must function within their local ecosystem and biosphere
- principles of ecosystems as guides
- competitive advantage
- long-term viability

What is Urban Harvest (UH) used for?

- to create awareness
- to organize ideas on how to improve resource management
- to quantify and compare different ideas on resourcce management
- to quantify urban resource flows in high temporal and spatial resolution

What are the 3 principles of Urban Harvest (UH)?

- minimising demand
- minimising outputs
- multi-source remaining demand

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