Urban Energy

10 important questions on Urban Energy

What are the two laws of energy?

- Energy conservation
- Energy Efficiency

Which forms of energy are there?

1 Chemical
2 Nuclear
3 Gravitational
4 Radiant
5 Electrical
6 Sound
7 Thermal
8 Motion
9 Mechanical

What is 'Watt hour' (Wh)

Equivalent to power consumption of one Watt for 1 hour
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What are the common aspects of energy?

- Supply
- Consumption
- Delivery

What are factors influencing energy demand?

- living standards
- time of day/year
- use of renewables

What are factors influencing energy supply?

- availability of energy sources
- tech for energy transfer and storage

Why are we still using fossil fuels?

- higher energy density
- simple and effective technology

Why should we move away from fossil fuels?

- sustainability: less pollution
- political: most fossil fuels come from unstable countries
- economical: once tech is mature, cost of production goes down

What are challenges of Renewable Energy Supply (RES)?

- intermittent and non-dispatchable
- limited storage in grid

How do we undergo the energy transition?

- structural changes to energy systems.
- shift from a fossil-based to a majority of renewable energy
- increasing energy efficiency and demand management
- maintain system quality and reliability.

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