Urban Air

12 important questions on Urban Air

What are Major Air Pollutants (MAPs)

- Sulphur Dioxide (SO2)
- Nitrogen Oxides (NOx)
- Carbon Monoxide (CO)
- Particulate Matter (PM/PM10)

What are big threats in air pollution?

- Elemental Carbon (EC)
- Black Carbon (BC)
- Organic Carbon (OC)

Where does EC and BC originate from?

- emitted through combustion
- structure similar to impure graphite
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Where does OC originate from?

- emitted during incomplete fossil-fuel combustion (primary OC)
- condensation of VOC's (secondary OC)

What are the health impacts of particles?

- Inflammation
- Pulmonary effects
- Cardiovascular effects

What are the effects of ozone?

- adverse structural, functional and biochemical alterations in the respiratory track
- increase in mortality
- chronic effects

What factors effect urban air quality?

- sources
- local meteorological conditions
- city configuration and geometry

What happens with the inversion layer at night?

It shrinks tightly around the city

How does tropospheric ozone formation work?

VOCs + NOx = Ozone

How does Ozone (O3) emerge?

O2 + UV > O + O
O + O2 > O3

Photo-stationary state between NO, NO2 and O3

UVA light reacts with NO2 and spits the O molecule.
NO2 + O2 = NO + O3

What happens when VOCs disturb the process?

NO is converted to NO2 by reacting with gasses other than O3 (Ozone), i.e. VOCs.

This process bypasses the Photo stationary reaction.

VOCs + NO > NO2

NO2 + O2 <> NO + O3

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