Course introduction - The urban environment - challenges and potential

10 important questions on Course introduction - The urban environment - challenges and potential

What do settlements require to be made?

1) Access to resources:
   - Agriculture
   - Trade
2) Subsoil
3) Technological innovations

What are growth drivers?

- Natural increase
- Migration
- Reclassification of urban areas

Is population growth equal to urban growth?

Yes, because all population growth is in urban areas
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What are effects of climate change?

- Temperature and climate change
- Extreme weather
- Changes in composition of oceans
- Sea level rise

Problems that cause climate change

- Use of way too much resources
- Heavily reliant on non-renewable resources
- Pollution, degradation and destruction of earth's systems

What is the current state of our urbanized world?

Linear metabolism: Resource input >> Waste streams

What causes the massive throughput of materials?

- dependent on external supplies
- global transportation based on fossil fuel
- Without fossil fuels mega cities would not have occured

What do we need to do to re-balance the world

- We need to re-balance us and the environment
- Tackle challenges and opportunities of urban areas

Why do cities have high potential?

- Density = solutions and potential
- Unused potential for supply, recovery and production
- Unused potential of ambitious people
- Local technical / socio-technical solutions

What is the vision for future cities?

- Local renewable sources
- Cascading, recovery and reuse of resource flows
- Maximize potential

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