Urban Risk Assessment

9 important questions on Urban Risk Assessment

What are urban hazards?

- air pollution
- traffic injuries
- obesity
- microbial traffic

What are microbiological hazards?

- disease
- polluted air
- toxic waste

What are physical/chemical hazards

- air pollution
- traffic
- urban agriculture
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How does the (Environmental) Risk Assessment Framework (RAF) work?

1 hazard identification
2 risk analysis
2 dose-response (risk analysis)
3 Source Pathway Receptor (SPR (risk analysis)
4 risk evaluation
5 risk management

What is risk analysis?

Systematic use of available information to determine how specified events may occur

What does risk assessment entail?

- hazard identification
- risk analysis (source release, exposure, consequence, risk estimation)
- risk evaluation (risk significance)
- risk management (how do we manage?)

What does risk analysis entail?

- inhalation
- skin absorption
- ingestion

How do we manage risks?

- set standards
- prevention
- mitigation
- adaptation
- regulation
- communication

What should risk management take into account?

Scientific findings AND other factors (financial consequences, public opinion, political climate.)

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