Urban Waste

19 important questions on Urban Waste

What does the hardware side of integrated solid waste management entail?

- Public Health
- Environment
- Resource management

What does the software side of integrated solid waste management entail?

- Sound institutions and pro-active policies
- Inclusivity
- Financial sustainability

What does urbanization and consumption increase lead to?

- Domestic waste; organic/non-organic
- Industrial waste
- E-waste
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What are the drivers of solid waste management?

- Public health
- Environmental protection
- Resource depletion
- Climate

Waste is a source of:

- Pollution/emissions
- Diseases
- Nuisance
- Danger for humans and wildlife

What does organic waste lead to?

- oxygen depletion in water
- eutrophication
- greenhouse gasses

Flow of waste materials

- Collection
- Transfer and transport
- Processing and transformation
- Disposal

What can be said about Waste culture?

In most cultures waste handlers are at the bottom of society

What can be said about Waste policy?

- Failed solid waste services are visible
- Failed systems are a nuisance to citizens

Urban waste history (1850's)

driver; resource value of materials
- relatively scarce resources
- goods were repaired and reused
- food & garden waste reused

Urban waste history (1850's/1970's)

driver; protection of public health
- industrial revolution
- focus of solid waste was on collection

Phases in the development of modern waste management policy

- Control
- Technical fix
- Integrated policy
- Targets prevention

What was the common line of thought until the 1970's?

Environmental issues are not related to waste

What has happened since the 1970's?

Modernization of waste processing

What was the response to the health effects of dumping in the 1970's/1980's?

Policies & legislation put into place for waste. Reliable technology was required for waste disposal

What was introduced when disposal space became a problem?

Municipal recycling services

What became apparent once the municipality started collecting waste?

Municipalities were unprepared for the material processing

What are solutions to waste?

- Incineration
- Composting
- Anaerobic treatment
- Grey waste separation/treatment

Why can't technology alone fix the problem?

- Tech can fail due to lack of knowledge
- user friendly collection

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