Exit Strategy

11 important questions on Exit Strategy

What is meant by 'different types of problems related to their newly established status'? (2)

  • New firms act in new areas and people who start those firms need to learn new roles which takes time
  • New firms have to build up a stable portfolio with outside buyers and suppliers

What are 6 reasons for an entrepreneurial (individual) exit?

  • Business unprofitable
  • Problems with finance
Exit not only occurs for financial problems
  • Business may be sold
  • Entrepreneur may retire
  • Entrepreneur may have encountered a new opportunity
  • Personal reasons may play a role
    • Divorce
    • Health

How can business closures be explained? (3)

  • 4 perspectives on business closures
  • Emphasize different aspects as most important for why businesses close
  • Can be used to explain business closures (complementary)
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What are the 4 perspectives on business closures?

  1. Population ecology (environment)
  2. Resource-based closures (business resources and strategy)
  3. Gambler's ruin (risk-taking and luck)
  4. Utility

What is 'population ecology' (environment)?

  • Resources, environment (industry), competition results in business closure
  • Types of business more likely to close
    • Younger ones ('liability of newness')
    • Older ones ('structural inertia')

What is 'resource-based closures' (firm)?

Business closure due to lack of business resources or wrong use of resources (strategy)
  • Financial
  • Managerial
  • Organizational
  • Uniqueness

What is 'gambler's ruin' (chance and risky decisions)? (4)

  • Gambling: business owners as gamblers who use their resources to take risky decisions
  • Risky decisions: based on past and current conditions and future expectations
  • Chance: owners with greater wealth/ finances more likely to survive bad luck
  • Learning: one may become better at taking risky decisions

What is 'utility' (individual)?

Decision to quit business = Utility from entrepreneurship - Utility from other labor markets
  • Implication: Well performing firms may close down!

How does entry and exit relate to each other?

  • Entry may lead to exit
    • New firms often do not survive
    • New firms may destroy older firms (creative destruction)
  • Exit may also lead to entry
    • Entrepreneurs who exit often become entrepreneur again (serial entrepreneurs)
    • Resources released by exit may be used by new firms

What entails Pe'er and Vertinsky's (2008) 'Firm exits as a determinant of entry: is there evidence of local creative destruction?'

Exit of mature firms as driver of new entry
  • Older firms may find it difficult to adapt to changing environments
  • Investigate whether exit of older firms is a source of new entry/ may stimulate entry of new firms
  • Triggered by release of resources of exiting old firms

What are the first hypotheses for the local process?

  • 1a: Increases in local exits of mature firms contribute to a higher level of new entry in the location
  • 1b: Hypothesis 1a will apply less to exits of mature firms in neighbouring and more distant locations

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