Strategic Policy Making

33 important questions on Strategic Policy Making

How can public policy impact upon strategic behaviour of individuals/entrepreneurs and businesses? (2)

  • Create favourable general conditions
    • Stable political and economic environment
  • Provide direct support
    • Money
    • Education
    • Training
    • Advice

What does direct support promote? (2)

  • Entry
    • Support individuals to become entrepreneur/ self-employed
  • Performance
    • Support entrepreneurs or business to grow or export

What are 4 things that relate to the market failure approach?

  1. Monopoly/ Barriers to entry and exit
  2. Information imperfections
  3. Externalities
  4. Public goods and services

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What 3 policy areas do you have for general conditions?

  1. Macro-economic policy
  2. Business regulations
  3. Competition policy

What is the aim of macro-economic policy?

To provide a stable economic environment conducive to economic growth

What are 2 tools for macro-economic policy

  • Fiscal policy
    • Government expenditure, infrastructure
    • Taxation, may have an impact upon demand or on profits and hence on entry and performance
  • Monetary policy
    • Interest rates
    • Inflation control

What are 2 macro-economic conditions and entrepreneurship?

  • Stable macro-economic environment may impact upon entry/ whether individuals become entrepreneur (self-employed)
  • Román, Congregado and Millán (2013) investigate this looking specifically at the unemployed

What are the 2 macro-economic policy hypotheses for how business cycle/ unemployment rate relate to entry into entrepreneurship/ self-employment?

  • Prosperity-pull (switch to employer)
  • Recession-push (switch to own-account work)

What is the 'prosperity-pull' hypothesis and to who does it apply?

Individuals more likely to consider self-employment when economic climate is favourable
  • Will mainly apply to entry as employer (from unemployment)

What is the 'recession-push' hypothesis and to who does it apply?

Worsening economic conditions push individuals towards self-employment
  • Will mainly apply to entry as own-account worker (from unemployment)

What is the aim for business regulations?

To provide a well functioning regulatory environment for business

What are 3 examples of regulations for starting/ running a business?

  • Start-up regulations
  • Trading across borders
  • Labor regulations

What is 'start-up' regulations?

Ease of starting a business, how much time and money it costs to start

What is 'trading across borders'?

Time and costs associated with logistical process of exporting and importing

What is 'labor regulations'?

Costs for hiring and firing employees, rigidity of employment contracts

What is the Román, Congregado and Millán hypothesis and conclusion for business regulations?

  • EPL may affect entry into self-employment (entrepreneurship)
  • Increases in EPL in low/ flexible EPL regimes reduce likelihood for the unemployed to become self-employment

How does EPL relate to self-employment?

  • Flexible (low EPL)
    • Strictness (+)
    • Self-employment (-)
  • Strict (high EPL)
    • Strictness (+)
    • Self-employment (+)

What is the assumption for competition policy?

Competitive markets are central to investment, efficiency, innovation and growth

What are 2 specific policies in competition policy?

  • Prevention of abuse of market power in product markets
  • Limit price increases

What 3 functions does business support policy have?

  1. Access and provision of finance
  2. Advice and assistance
  3. Promotion of technology and innovation

What is the justification for 'access and provision of finance'?

Information imperfections
  • Special loans

What is the justification for 'advice and assistance'?

Information imperfections
  • Consult

What is the justification for 'promotion of technology and innovation'?

  • Information imperfections
    • R&D funding
  • Externalities
    • Technology transfer

What is the aim of Active Labor Market Policies (ALMP)?

To increase employment opportunities for workers and job seekers (the unemployed)

What kind of start-up incentives relate to the Active Labor Market Policies (ALMP)?

It may include start-up incentives for the unemployed and other special target groups

  • Women
  • Young minorities
  • Ethnic minorities

What is the justification for the start-up incentives related to the Active Labor Market Policies (ALMP)? (2)

  • Information imperfections
  • Externalities

What is the Román, Congregado and Millán hypothesis and conclusion for Active Labor Market Policies (ALMP)? (3)

  • Relation between start-up incentives and entry into self-employment/ entrepreneurship
  • Start-up incentives (+), then self-employment (from unemployment) mainly to own-account work (+)
    • Start-up incentives only encourage switch from unemployment to own-account work

What is the aim for entrepreneurship education?

To promote entrepreneurship and/ or enterprise culture

What is the justification for entrepreneurship education and training?

Public goods argument

What are 4 critiques for entrepreneurship education?

  1. Entrepreneurship can not be taught
  2. Lack of practical relevance
  3. Stimulates wrong people to start
  4. Difficult to evaluate

What 3 things are evaluated for impact on the program of 'The effect of early entrepreneurship education: evidence from a field experiment' by Rosendahl Huber (2014)

  • Non-cognitive skills
  • Cognitive skills
    • What an entrepreneur does and what it entails to have a business
  • Entrepreneurial intentions

What impact does entrepreneurial intentions have on the program? (2)

  • Direct negative effect of program on entrepreneurial intentions if any
  • However: there might be an indirect positive effect of program on entrepreneurial intentions through non-cognitive skills

How can there be an indirect positive effect of program on entrepreneurial intentions through non-cognitive skills? (2)

  • Program, non-cognitive skills, entrepreneurial intentions
  • Some support that entrepreneurship education at a young age could be relevant

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