Emerging Market Multinationals and Reverse Innovation - Multinationals and Performance

24 important questions on Emerging Market Multinationals and Reverse Innovation - Multinationals and Performance

What shows the prior evidence of the relationship between multinationality and performance? (6)

Mixed evidence:
  • a positive linear slope
  • to a negative
  • linear slope
  • U-shaped relationships
  • inverted U-shapes
  • and S-shaped relationships

What are the contingent factors of a multinational and how do they help? (4)

Multinationals exist and commonly found to be the more successful and the the generally positive effect of multi nationality on performance is contingent factors, such as:
  • firm age
  • home country location
  • experience, size
  • product diversification

What should a theory for international management be able to develop rationals for? (2)

  1. Why being multinational is generally superior to the firm remaining domestic (but at the same time delineate)
  2. Conditions under which this general rule does not hold true, by specifying contingencies or strategic situations under which incremental multinational expansion may actually be detrimental to performance
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What are 2 reasons why incremental International expansion can sometimes have a negative influence on profitability?

  1. The beneficial effect of internationalisation on performance (the 'signal') may be altered by additional firm-specific or country-specific factors (or 'noise' if you will) which counteract the signal so powerfully that incremental international expansion has a negative impact on performance
  2. We can propose that at certain stages in the firm's international expansion path, the costs of incremental international expansion or the 'liability of foreignness' (liability of outsider ship) outweigh the benefits, producing a net negative slope on the performance versus degree of internationalisation graph

What are the benefits of multinationality? (8)

  1. Economies of production scale
  2. Scale economies of amortisation of R&D/ intangible assets/ HQ overheads
  3. Sourcing cheaper inputs abroad or global rationalisation of the value chain
  4. Accessing foreign knowledge the firm lacks
  5. Risk reduction from geographic diversification
  6. 'Tax planning' or transfer pricing opportunities
  7. Market power or cartelization
  8. Gaining general international experience

What types of geographic diversification are there? (4)

  • Asynchronous business cycles
  • Multi-currency cash flows
  • Greater operational flexibility

What is a criticism of theory concept 'economies of production scale' as benefit of multinationality?

Minimum economic scale (MES) may already be achieved in a large home market

What is a criticism of theory concept 'scale economies of amortization of R&D/ intangible assets/ HQ overheads' as benefit of multinationality? (2)

  • Depends on R&D intensity and the size of aggregated central fixed costs in the industry
  • May have diminishing value beyond the bigger foreign markets

What is a criticism of theory concept 'sourcing cheaper inputs abroad or global rationalisation of the value chain' as benefit of multinationality?

Sourcing of cheaper materials or foreign inputs can be done contractually from independent suppliers
  • a firm does not need its own foreign presence

What is a criticism of theory concept 'accessing foreign knowledge the firm lacks' as benefit of multinationality? (2)

  • Foreign knowledge can be obtained through 'markets'
  • There has been significant growth in cross-border international licensing of patents and technologies

What is a criticism of theory concept 'risk reduction from geographic diversification' as benefit of multinationality? (3)

  • Business cycles are not always asynchronous across nations
  • Currency risk can be hedged through forward contracts, options or swaps
    • no need for a foreign presence
  • Multiple plants can also increase global total fixed costs and reduce capacity utilisation

What is a criticism of theory concept 'tax planning or transfer pricing opportunities' as benefit of multinationality?

It is not so much the global configuration of the MNE as large technology overheads or intangibles that confer on the MNE a tax saving advantage

What is a criticism of theory concept 'market power or cartelization' as benefit of multinationality?

Global oligopolies or cartels are not common

What is a criticism of theory concept 'gaining general international experience' as benefit of multinationality? (2)

  • A nebulous concept that is difficult to operationalize
  • International experience can be purchased by hiring foreign employees directly or through foreign acquisitions

What are types of costs of multinationality? (7)

  1. Organizational change and duplication
  2. Coordination costs
  3. Supply chain complexity and inventor growth
  4. Disruption risk in global supply chains because of specialisation
  5. Monitoring of external providers
  6. Institutional and cultural distance
  7. Later stage expansion into smaller, riskier, or less developed markets

What is meant by 'organizational change and duplication' as type of cost of multinational expansion?

Each additional market or foreign affiliate entails disruption of the existing organization and duplication of some functions in the foreign location

What is meant by 'coordination costs' as type of cost of multinational expansion?

The greater the number of foreign affiliates or markets the greater the central coordination costs

What is meant by 'supply chain complexity and inventory growth' as type of cost of multinational expansion?

Global total inventory and supply chain management costs in MNE's will increase
  • and in some MNE's at a higher than linear rate to the number of countries

What is meant by 'disruption risk in global supply chain because of specialization' as type of cost of multinational expansion?

The greater the disaggregation of the firm and the more each foreign operation specializes in performing operations for the MNE's network, the greater the overall disruption risk from a failure or stoppage in one piece of the chain

What is meant by 'monitoring of external providers' as type of cost of multinational expansion?

While outsourcing (domestic or foreign) may reduce procurement costs, monitoring and quality control costs increase significantly

What is meant by 'institutional and cultural distance' as type of cost of multinational expansion?

While many MNE's operate within their own region, institutional and cultural distance is still felt, and increases with further international growth beyond the home region of the MNE

What is meant by 'later stage expansion into smaller, riskier, or less developed markets' as type of cost of multinational expansion? (2)

  • The PPP-adjusted GDP of the 20th largest economy is only 5% the size of the biggest
    • beyond the top 20 or 30 nations, further international expansion means entry into much smaller, riskier, and less developed markets
  • Each incremental foreign entry entails some irreducible incremental costs
    • more than that, the incremental cost per entry, as well as operating and political risk, escalate significantly with considerable internationalization

What are contingent factors concerning Contractor (2012) Do multinationals perform better? (7)

Critical questions about the empirical measurement of both 'degree of multinationality' of a firm and 'performance'
  1. Extent of geographical dispersion by number of nations
  2. Institutional and cultural variety of countries served by the MNE
  3. Home country characteristics
  4. Product diversification or product variety across the sample of firms
  5. Mode of serving foreign markets
  6. Degree of internationalization measured from the input side by firm-specific indicators such as the extent of foreign sourcing or geographic spread of the firm's supply chain
  7. Other firm-specific discriminator or contingent variables such as R&D intensity or marketing intensity

What are 3 examples of mode of serving foreign markets?

  1. Sales by foreign affiliates
  2. Sales by exports
  3. Sales by licensees

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