
6 important questions on Heteroskedasticity

What are the consequences of heteroskedasticity?

It does not cause bias or inconsistency of the OLS estimators (MLR1-MLR4).
It does cause bias in variance (MLR5), so t statistic, F statistic, standard errors and confidence intervals are invalid.

Are OLS estimators efficient under heteroskedasticity?

No, all Gauss-Markov assumptions (MLR1-MLR5) are required for efficiency for OLS estimators to be BLUE.

What is the difference between heteroskedasticity-robust inference and t statistic / F statistic of chapter 4?

MLR1-MLR6 holds for t statistic and F statistic in chapter 4 under the null, while heteroskedasticity-robust statistics are only justified for large samples.
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How does the Breusch-Pagan test work?

Null hypothesis (MLR5): Homoskedasticity var(u|x1,xk)=o2
Alternative hypothesis (violation of MLR5): var(u|x1,xk)=h(x1,..,xk)o2 with h(x1,..,xk)=exp(...)
Because of MLR4, var (u|x1,..,xk)=E(u2|x1,..,xk) gives H0: E[u2|x1,..,xk]=o2
Assume a linear relation u2=delta0+delta1x1+... With E[v|x1,..,xk]=0
Then we can use F statistic to test H0:delta1=deltak=0

What is the motivation behind weighted least squares (WLS)?

WLS is efficient under heteroskedasticity, OLS is not.

How do we derive WLS from OLS?

Var(u|x1,..,xk)=o2 * h(x1,..,xk) gives a squared sum of residuals of the OLS divided by h.

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