Analytical Techniques - Static Analysis - Using Static Analysis for Improving Maintainability

4 important questions on Analytical Techniques - Static Analysis - Using Static Analysis for Improving Maintainability

How is static analysis being used?

With tool support to improve code maintainability by verifying compliance to coding standards and guidelines.
There are generally warnings given not errors.

What is normally part of coding standards and guidelines?

Coding standards and guidelines describes required coding practices such as naming conventions, commenting, indentation and code modularization

In which way can static analysis be applied to website code?

To check for possible exposure to security vulnerabilities such as code injection, cookie security, cross-site scripting, resource tampering and SQL code injection.
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The maintenance of a web site can also be supported using static analysis tools. What's the objective?

To check if the tree-like structure of the site is well-balanced or if there is an imbalance that will lead to:

  • More difficult testing tasks
  • Increased maintenance workload
  • Difficult navigation for the user.

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