White-box Test Techniques - Modified Condition/Decision Coverage (MC/DC) Testing

4 important questions on White-box Test Techniques - Modified Condition/Decision Coverage (MC/DC) Testing

What's the differenc between Decision testing and MC/DC testing?

Decision testing considers the entire decision as a whole and evaluates the TRUE and FALSE outcomes in separate test cases, MC/DC testing considers how a decision is made when it includes multiple conditions.

Where is the MC/DC technique often used and why?

It is often used in aerospace industry or other safety-critical systemes. It's used where a failure may cause a catastrophe.

Which approaches can be used to address the issue of coupled conditions in MC/DC testing?

  • Only uncoupled decions are tested on MC/DC level
  • Analyze each decision in which coupling occurs on a case-by-case basis.
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With how many testcase are neccessary with MC/DC?

.N+1 unique test cases

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