Quality Characteristics for Technical Testing - Security Testing

3 important questions on Quality Characteristics for Technical Testing - Security Testing

What's assessed by performing security testing?

Security testing assesses a system's vulnerability to threats by attempting to compromise the system's security policy.

How can security tests be grouped according to the origin of the security risk?

  • User interface related - unauthorized access and malicious inputs
  • File system related - access to sensitive data stored in files or repositories
  • Operating system related - storage of sensitive information such as passwords in non-encrypted form in memory which could be exposed when the system is crashed through malicious inputs
  • External software related.

Which approach may be used to develop security tests?

  • Gather information which may be useful in specifying tests
  • Perform a vulnerability scan using widely available tools
  • Develop “attack plans”.
  • Security issues can also be exposed by reviews and/or the use of static analysis tools.

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