Quality Characteristics for Technical Testing - Introduction

8 important questions on Quality Characteristics for Technical Testing - Introduction

Which characteristics are covered by Technical Test Analyst and whicg by the Test Analyst?

Test analyst covers:
  • Functional suitability
  • Usability
  • Interoperability (as part of compatiblity).

Technical test analyst covers:
  • Reliability
  • Performance efficiency
  • Maintainability
  • Portability
  • Security
  • Co-existence (as part of compatibility).

What are the subcharacteristics of Functional suitability?

  • Functional correctness,
  • functional appropriateness
  • functional completeness

What are the subcharacteristics of Usability?

  • Appropriateness recognizability
  • learnability
  • operability
  • user interface aesthetics
  • user error protection
  • accessibility
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What are the subcharacteristics of Maintainability?

Analyzability, modifiability, testability, modularity, reusability.

What are the subcharacteristics of Portability?

Adaptability, installability, replaceability.

What are the subcharacteristics of Compatibility?

Co-existence and Interoperability.

What's important with quality characteristics testing?

Quality characteristic testing requires particular attention to lifecycle timing, required tools, required standards, software and documentation availability and technical expertise.
Without planning an approach to deal with each characteristic and its unique testing needs, the tester may not have adequate planning, preparation and test execution time built into the schedule.

In some cases, the tests may continue to be executed after the software has entered production why is that?

This is usually seen for performance efficiency and reliability testing which may show different results in the production environment than in the testing environment.

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