White-box Test Techniques - Basis Path Testing

5 important questions on White-box Test Techniques - Basis Path Testing

Who developed the Simplified Baseline Method for Basis Path testing?


When is Simplified Baseling Testing applicable?

The Simplified Baseline Method—as defined above—is often performed on mission critical software. It is a good addition to the other methods covered in this chapter because it looks at paths through the software rather than just at the way decisions are made.

What are the limitations/difficulties with basis path testing?

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How is coverage measured when using basis path testing?

Coverage is measured as the number of linearly independent paths executed by the tests divided by the total number of linearly independent paths in the test object, normally expressed as a percentage.

What is more thorough testing decision coverage or basis path testing?

Basis path testing provides more thorough testing than decision coverage, with a relatively small increase in the number of tests.

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