Risk in usability, User Experience and Accessibility - Typical risk

7 important questions on Risk in usability, User Experience and Accessibility - Typical risk

What are possible user experience risks?

User experience failure in a software product or its support

What are typical user experience risks?

  • Users are unable to buy a product because the app used to buy the product
  • The software product is usable, but the associated artifacts and procedures are not.

In user experience sometimes people don't buy the product because they are unable to. Name a few reasons why?

  • Does not perform some of the functions required by the users (lack of effectiveness)
  • Performs intended functions slowly or awkwardly
  • Is unpleasant to use or does not provide satisfaction
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Name a few examples where a software product is usable, but the associated artifacts and procedures are not?

  • Support answers reasonable customer inquiries slowly, rudely, superficially or not at all
  • User documentation is deficient
  • Delays in delivery of products ordered are not communicated
  • The delivered product does not match the users’ expectations
  • The product arrives in an unattractive or impractical packaging.

Name a few accessibility riskss

  • The software product cannot be used by people with disabilities, thereby violating regulations
  • The software product is not compatible with other software or hardware used by people with disabilities.

What is an accessibility risk?

An accessibility risk is a potential failure in a software product relating to accessibility.

Name the supplier project risk in relation to usability, user experience and accessibility.

  • Suppliers do not have the required qualifications in usability testing
  • Suppliers do not follow agreed guidelines for usability evaluation
  • Usability evaluation results provided by suppliers are delivered late or not at all

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