Selecting Approriate Methods - Criteria for Selecting a Method

10 important questions on Selecting Approriate Methods - Criteria for Selecting a Method

What are important criteria for selecting a usability evaluation method/user experience evaluation method?

  • The purpose of the usability or user experience evaluation
  • Usability maturity of the organization
  • Completion time
  • Project stage
  • Resources
  • Availability of end users
  • Type of software development lifecycle model: sequential, agile or other

What can be a purpose for a usability evaluation and which method shall be used?

  • To evaluate effectiveness, use usability testing or usability review
  • To evaluate whether efficiency requirements have been fulfilled, or whether the usability of a product has measurably improved, use a quantitative usability test
  • To evaluate whether satisfaction requirements have been fulfilled, use a user survey
  • To increase usability awareness or usability maturity in the organization, run a usability test to help convince skeptical stakeholders

Name the categories of usability maturity of an organization.

  • High: The organization has implemented a human-centered design process, with multiple activities and milestones
  • Medium: Quality, time, and resource requirements for the human-centered design process are known and controlled
  • Low: Individuals adhere to human-centered processes, but often in an unsystematic way
  • Very Low: Indifference or outright hostility towards usability
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What's better to use when the usability maturity of the organization is low or very low?

Usability testing should be favored over usability reviews.

In such organizations, controversial outcomes from a usability review could be dismissed as just opinions.

What evaluation is suitable if a project is in the early design stage where only prototypes are available.

A formative method such as usability review, quantitative usability evaluation or user survey.

What are the characteristics of short form of usability test?

  • The moderator also takes notes; there is no separate note-taker
  • No usability test lab is used; the test sessions take place, for example, in a meeting room
  • The test is limited to 3-5 test participants
  • The usability test report is short and lists a limited number of findings, for example 15

What's best if representative end users are not available or require too many resources to recruit or compensate?

Then usability reviews are better than usability testing.

Waht can you tell about the type of software development lifecycle model: sequential, agile or other in relation to selecting a evaluation method?

All methods described in this syllabus can be used with a sequential lifecycle model, such as the VModel.
The description of the Human-Centered Design approach i based on the sequential model, but the principles of Human-Centered Design apply universally for most other types of lifecycle model.

Mixing usability evaluation methods is highly recommended. Why?

They should suit the development stage: usability reviews are performed early on and usability testing later.

An informal usability test of a mobile application in a cafe with five or six test sessions each lasting approximately ten minutes followed by more formal in-depth usability test sessions. 

A quick usability review that uncovers the most serious usability problems so they can be eliminated before an expensive usability test

What are important criteria for selecting an accessibility evaluation method?

  • Legal requirements
  • Organizational requirements
  • The number of users with disabilities in the target groups for the software product.

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