Basic concepts - Evaluating usability, User experience and Accessibility

15 important questions on Basic concepts - Evaluating usability, User experience and Accessibility

Which of the three usability techniques is only a qualitative usability evaluation?

Usability review.

In which stage of the development lifecycle are formative and summative evaluation used?

Formative evaluation early in the development lifecycle
Summative evaluation late inthe development lifecycle.

For what can a summative usability evaluation used?

It can be used to evaluate a design based on usability requirements so that the design’s acceptability can be established from the users’ point of view.
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What 's been adressed by usability evaluation?

  • The extent to which correct and complete goals are achieved
  • Answers the question: “Does the software product do what I want?”

  • Resources expended to achieve specified goals
  • Answers the question: “Does the software product solve my tasks quickly?”

  • Freedom from discomfort, and positive attitudes towards the use of the software product
  • Answers the question: “Do I feel comfortable while using the software product?”

In which form of usability technique are users not necessary?

Usability reviews.

What can be enabled through qualitative usability evaluation?

A qualitative usability evaluation enables identification and analysis of usability problems, focusing on understanding user needs, goals and reasons for the observed user behavior.

With users involved how can usability evaluation be carried out?

By performing usability testing, conducting user surveys and performing usability reviews.

What is included in user experience evaluation?

  • Advertisements that make users aware of the software product
  • Training in the use of the software product
  • Touchpoints with the software product other than screen dialogue, such as encounters with support, letters or goods received as a result of interaction with the software product
  • Problems that are not handled by the user interface of the software product, such as the notifications of delays, handling of complaints and unsolicited calls

How can time gaps be bridged during a usaiblity test session?

During a user experience test.

What's been adressed by accessibility evaluation?

It addresses the direct interaction between a user with disabilities or limitations and the software product.

Name four things that should be taken into account regarding to accessibility evaluation.

  • Define the ambition level for accessibility
  • Create or adapt guidelines for accessible design
  • Train development teams in order to prevent as many accessibility problems as possible
  • Accessibility testing.

What can be used for defining the ambition level for accessibility?

The Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) which defines three priority levels for accessibilityL A, AA, AAA. Recommended is AA.

Why should you adopt level AA of the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG)?

It satisfies the most basic requirements for web accessibility and the biggest barriers for users with disabilities.

What is included in a guideline for accessible design besides de level of ambition?

Legal requirements.

Name a few factors to consider when training a team to prevent accessibiliity problems.

  • Legal requirements
  • Guidelines for accessible desing and how to interpret and apply them
  • Tools and techniques to use when evaluating accessibility
  • The relationship between usability and accessibility.

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